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Q: What does wearing your seatbelt help from tiring?
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If you have to drive on a long trip wearing your seatbelt prevents your what from tiring quickly?


Why does your my Volvo 240 seatbelt light not work?

you are wearing the seatbelt.

Which of the following actions best meets the goal of security?

wearing a seatbelt in the car

How do I stop the seatbelt light from blinking on a 1991 Honda Accord?

By wearing the seatbelt.

How do you disable seatbelt light and alarm on a 2005 Toyota camery?

By wearing the seatbelt.

How do you disable the seatbelt alarm on a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee?

By wearing your seatbelt. If the alarm is going off when you have your seatbelt on, then take it back to the dealer. It is still under warranty. If you are trying to avoid wearing a seatbelt, then I for sure am not going to help you endanger your life. Seat-belts save lives, and that has been proven over and over again. Only a moron would think otherwise.

What is an example of self management?

wearing a seatbelt

Can a police officer stop you in the state of Alabama for not wearing a seatbelt?

Yes, the police in Alabama can stop you for not wearing a seatbelt. You are required by law to wear a seatbelt in the front seat of a moving vehicle. The law went into effect in 1991.

Is it safe not to wear a seatbelt?

No- NOT wearing a seatbelt is NOT safe. Wearing a seatbelt IS safe. It prevents you from being slammed against the intterior of the car, or being thrown out where you will be crushed by the car. You are NOT strong enough to brace yourself against the impact.

Where can you get arrested for wearing your seatbelt?

You can get a ticket for not wearing your seat belt, but I don't see how you could get arrested for wearing it.

Which is an example of prevention in relation health?

Wearing a seatbelt

Who is responsible for a passenger not wearing a seatbelt in Kentucky?

the driver