A small community of citizens. Similar to a city or town, but with a smaller population.
Canada means "kanata" meaning "our village" or "village". Kanata is a Huron word
The Tagalog word for "village" is "baryo" or "bayan".
the town, the village in Scots Gaelic.
Docken - dock dorf - village Combining them, either village dock or village with a dock. Likely, it is the only nearby village with dock access.
The word "village" in French is "village."
payton means village warrior
"Kanata" is a Japanese word that means "far away" or "distant."
It means a small village or town of some sort.
It's a Spanish word. It means Village
I think you mean village idiot - that would be the mentally deficient person that every village was said to have one of. The word idiot wasn't always such an insult as it is today.
what is the word marriaqua mean please tell me please
the spanish word for village is pueblo