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a supreme court..

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Demond Stroman

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Q: What does the courts look like?
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Appellate courts look at questions of?

Appellate courts are created to review decisions of lower courts. They promote efficiency at the federal judicial level by serving as an in between step between district courts and the Supreme Court.

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You can find clay courts all around the world. Such as france. You can find them anywhere if you look them up

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Japan has an independent judicial system patterned on the American model, with trial courts at the local level, several intermediate appellate courts, and a Supreme Court.

Can child support be determine base on overtime in Michigan?

Overtime pay is income like anything else. The courts typically look at average income.see links below

What is called when justices look at the previous courts' decisions on the case?

A judicial review.

What is it called when justices look at the previous courts' decisions on the case?

A judicial review.

What is it called justices look at the previous courts decision on the case?

A judicial review.

What are the levels of court?

There are several levels of courts. In the federal circuit is starts from district courts up to the Supreme Court of the United States. There are also several special interest courts like immigration courts and bankruptcy courts.

What is the other term used to identify the Special Courts?

Legislative Courts because they were created by congressional action. Judges in these courts, like their peers in other federal courts, are appointed for life terms by the president, with Senate approval.

What do federal courts address?

The Federal Courts deal with issues that arise under federal law, like immigration, corporations, industrial relations, marriage and the like. The High Court also serves as the ultimate appellate court for all courts in Australia.