There's a couple of answers but they're all related.
Birth Rate is the number of berths per ... either 100,000 people per year
or ......................................................... couple (2 people) over a lifetime
Birth rateis the proportion of births to the total population in a place in a given time, usually expressed as a quantity per 1000 of population.
Birth Rate - Death Rate = Alive people Alive people to Last years Alive people = rate
Birth Rate - Death Rate = Alive people Alive people to Last years Alive people = rate
birth rate is the nativity or childbirths per 1,000 people per yearMortality rate is a measure of the number of deaths (in general, or due to a specific cause) in some population
Population growth rate is the rate at which populations change in size over time as a fraction of the initial population. The formula used to measure growth rate is (birth rate + immigration) - (death rate + emigration).
For this question, the CIA World Factbook will be used. According to a 2009 estimate, the number of the "birth rate in the world" shows to be 19.86/1,000 population. This is the crude birth rate: the average number of births a year during a year per 1,000 person in the population at midyear. The crude birth rate is used to indicate fertility, but keep in mind that it is affected by age, unlike the total fertility rate. The total fertility rate is 2.5 and measures the number of children that a woman has over the course of her life; it is synonymous to the crude birth rate in that is is a another way to measure birth rate.
If by birth rate you mean the number of births during a given period of time then the answer is yes. The rate may be further qualified, for example, as the number per 1000 women of childbearing age but that does not alter the nature of the variable. If, however, by birth rate you mean the number of births WITHOUT the time element, the measure becomes discrete.
iraq's birth and death rate is birth: 31.4 births per 5.3 deaths.
the birth rate is the rate of birth in a population, the death rate is the number of deaths in a population and the growth rate is the growing numbers of the population.
the birth rate is 65% and death rate is 35%
birth rate - 295 death rate - 876 rg
Birth rates and death rates are used to calculate the rate at which a population is growing. When the birth rate exceeds the death rate, the population is increasing. Conversely, if the death rate is higher than the birth rate, the population is decreasing. The difference between the birth rate and death rate over a period of time is known as the natural increase rate.
The birth rate of Nebraska is 75.4