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Q: What do you call a head of the provincial government?
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What do you call the representer of the queen in the provincial government of Canada?

The Governor General.

Head of government premier provincial is?

Premier Dalton McGuinty.... Hope it helps:)

What do you call the system of government whereby the power to make laws is divided among two levels of government provincial and federal.?

You call it a federation.

When to capitalize provincial government?

"Provincial government" should be capitalized when referring to a specific provincial government by its official title, such as "Ontario Provincial Government." Otherwise, it should be in lowercase when used generically, such as "the role of provincial governments."

What do you call he head of government in Germany?

The head of government in Germany is called the Chancellor.

What does MPP in provincial government stand for?

Members of Provincial Parliment

What is a provincial government?

Provincial Governement is a government that Proposes laws for for only Alberta.

What type of government does Ontario have?

they have a provincial government

What type of government does British Columbia have?

Provincial government

What are the three levels of government in Canada called?

The three levels of government are federal, provincial and municipal.

What do you call the ceremonial head of the government?

Chief of State

In Canada what is the head political official in a province called?

The political head of a provincial or territorial government in Canada is usually called a "premier," which is French for "first." In Ontario and Quebec, the term "prime minister" is occasionally used. In days of yore, Canada's prime minister was also called the "premier."