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Q: What did Malthus think would happen if the human population kept growing?
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Who is the English economist that reasoned that if the human population kept growing unchecked that there would not be enough food and space?


English economist that reasoned that if the human population kept growing unchecked that there would not be enough food and space?

Thomas Malthus

Who proposed the idea that the human population grows faster than the food supply?

Thomas Malthus is the person who made the prediction that the human population would grow quicker than the resources required to sustain it. Malthus was an English scholar. Which is called Malthus' Principle

What factor did thomas Malthus think would eventually limit the human population?

The factors that Thomas Malthus thought would eventually limit the human population were war, famine, and disease.

According to malthus what factors limited population growth?

Malthus reasoned that if the human population continued to grow unchecked, sooner or later there would be insufficient living space and food for everyone

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Recognized that food and living space were two limiting factors for human population growth?


Who was the first scientist to sound the alarm about the growth of the human population?

Thomas Malthus, an English economist and demographer, is often credited as being one of the first scientists to raise concerns about the exponential growth of the human population. In his essay published in 1798, Malthus argued that population growth would outstrip the resources available to sustain it, leading to widespread famine and suffering if left unchecked.

Was Malthus right when he warned that human population might outgrow the capacity of the earth to support it?

Pretty much

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Who is idea was it that only famine disease and war could prevent the endless growth of human population?

Thomas Malthus

Who gave the idea that famine disease and war could prevent the endless growth of human population?

Thomas Malthus, a British economist, suggested in his 1798 work "An Essay on the Principle of Population" that population growth is limited by resources and that famine, disease, and war are natural checks to prevent population from endlessly growing beyond available resources.