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Q: What did Aristotle say about the basic triangle- shaped structure?
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Aristotle described the basic triangle-shaped plot structure as having a?

Biginning, middle and end

Who used the basic triangle shaped plot structure to describe how a story works?

German playwright Gustav Freytag is credited with popularizing the basic triangle plot structure that describes how a typical story works. This structure includes exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

Who used the basic triangle shaped plot structure to describe how a story works along a linear path following the course and effect before it reaches a resolution?


Aristotle described the basic triangle shaped plot structure as having a beginning middle and end that works along a path following the course of cause and effect before it reaches a resolut?

Yes, Aristotle's basic triangle-shaped plot structure consists of a beginning (exposition), middle (rising action and climax), and end (resolution). This structure follows a linear path of cause and effect, where events are logically connected and lead to a resolution or conclusion.

Who used the basic triangle-shaped plot structure to describe how a story works along a linear path following the course of cause and effect before it reaches a resolution?


Who Used the basic triangle shaped plot structure to describe how a story works along a linear path following the course of cause and effect before it reaches a resolution?


Aristotle described the basic triangle-shaped plot structure as having a beginning middle and end that works along a path following the course of cause and effect before it reaches?


Aristotle described the basic triangle-shaped plot structure as having a beginning middle and end that works along a path following the course of cause and effect before it reaches a resolut?


Aristotle described the basic triangle shaped plot structure as having a beginning middle and end that works along a path following the course of cause and effect before it reaches a resolution?

Yes, Aristotle's triangle-shaped plot structure, known as the three-act structure, consists of an introduction (beginning), conflict development (middle), and resolution (end). This structure emphasizes the relationship between cause and effect, with each event leading logically to the next, culminating in a satisfying resolution or outcome.

Used the basic triangle shaped plot struture to describe how a story works along a linear path following the course of cause and effect before it reaches a resolution?


Three basic shapes of bacteria?

The three basic shapes of bacteria are cocci (spherical), bacilli (rod-shaped), and spirilla (spiral-shaped). Each shape has a unique structure that contributes to the bacteria's function and ability to survive.

Which part of Aristotle's basic plot structure gives the most insight into a character's actions?

The climax due to the role where the character must take on the problem