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Q: What database model was developed to improve on the hierarchical model and deal with more complex relationships?
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What are the difference between hierarchical database and network database?

Hierarchical databases organize data in a tree-like structure with parent-child relationships and a strict one-to-many hierarchy, while network databases use a more flexible model with many-to-many relationships through pointers or links between records. Hierarchical databases are faster for accessing data along predefined paths, while network databases allow for more complex data relationships but can be more complex to manage.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of network database model?

Network Database model was designed to solve some of Hierarchical Database Model. Specifically this solves the problem of data redundancy by representing relationships in terms of sets.ADVANTAGESOrganization: Information is grouped into entities/records and each entity has attributes, which correspond to column headings.Very efficient in retrievalConceptually simple and easy to designCan handle the diverse sort of relationships (one-to-many and many-to-many relationships)Clear line of demarcation between programs and the complex physical storage details. Application programs work independently of the data.DISADVANTAGESAll the records have to maintain using pointers thus the database structure becomes more complex. Network model large number of pointers is required to insertion, deletion and updating.

Difference between hierarchical and Network data module?

The hierarchical data model organizes data in a tree-like structure with a single parent for each child record. On the other hand, the network data model allows for multiple parent-child relationships, creating a more flexible and complex network of interconnected records. In the hierarchical model, relationships are one-to-many, while in the network model, relationships can be many-to-many.

The relationships between users database applications DBMS and database?

The relationships between database applications DBMS and databases is as follows: Databases can be simple or complex. simple databases can be kept in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or they can be maintained in a user generated Microsoft Access database which can be programmed to query certain data that has been entered into that database over a period of time. Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access are also applications that are used to build databases that can be incorporated into DBMS or Database Management Systems. These systems can be extremely complex or they can be simple meaning that maintenance to these systems is not demanding. If the DBMS is complex it may require an entire team of technicians and in some cases engineers.The relationship between users, database applications, databases, and Database Management Systems can be simplified even further - Users can access a database that has been created with a database application to query managed data that is a part of a uniform Database management system.

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What is the difference between hierarchy and matrix structure?

There are more people in the hierarchical structure then the matrix structure. The matrix structure is more complex than the hierarchical structure

Can word processor create a database?

No. A database is much more complex then a document. You need a database program to create a database. If your needs are not too complex, Microsoft Access is a decent low end database. If you need something powerful, Oracle is much better, but you'll pay for it.

What is Heirarchical Classification?

Hierarchical classification is a method of organizing data or entities into nested levels or categories based on their similarities or relationships. It involves grouping similar items into broader categories and then subdividing them into more specific subcategories. This hierarchical structure allows for a systematic organization of complex systems or datasets.

What is a database that stores data in objects?

An object-oriented database (OODB) is a type of database that stores data in objects rather than in tables, making it easier to represent complex relationships and hierarchies in data. OODBs are designed to work well with object-oriented programming languages and frameworks.

What is a flat-table database?

A flat-table database is a type of database model where data is stored in a simple tabular format without the use of complex relationships between tables. In a flat-table database, all data is stored in a single table without any hierarchical structure or normalization. This type of database is typically used for simple data storage and retrieval needs.

What is the difference between OODBMS and DBMS?

Object-Oriented Database Management System (OODBMS) stores data in the form of objects with attributes and methods, allowing for complex data structures and relationships. Traditional Database Management System (DBMS) stores data in structured tables with rows and columns, focusing on relational data models. OODBMS is better suited for applications with complex data structures and relationships, while DBMS is more widely used for simpler data storage and retrieval needs.

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