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Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain are countries which offer residence to wealthy individuals and investors. Other countries offer citizenship-for-investment programmes, commonly known as Economic Citizenship Programmes. There are now only two countries which offer legal and clearly defined programmes on a statutory basis. These are the Commonwealth of Dominica and St. Kitts & Nevis. While there is an established practice, there is no Economic Citizenship Programme as such and only very few cases are approved each year. Still, for a substantial investor Austria can be a very attractive option.

We have studied all current programmes and constantly monitor new developments. St.Kitts & Nevis now clearly offers the most attractive Citizenship-by-Investment Programme available today.

Economic Citizenship Programmes offer you the opportunity to legally acquire a new nationality quickly and simply, without major disruption to your life.

Switzerland is one of the hardest countries to get citizenship in. It takes 12 years to naturalise and you will have to go in front of a committee that has the power to deny you citizenship if they don't like you. In other words, this is not something that comes automatic after 12 years. This is becoming an increasing trend. In countries like the UK, it is known as earned citizenship. What is becoming popular worldwide is immigrants having to go through a variety of background checks before getting citizenship. This method is used to disqualify as many applicants as possible. Citizenship, and language tests are also on the rise, and also used as a method to disqualify immigrants. The USA is also amongst the most difficult to get investment visas. Austria is another difficult one.

Once in a blue moon, countries like Spain will grant amnesty to undocumented residents, but this does not happen often, and is unlikely to in the future because of xenophobia, and a solid right wing movement across the world. As of 2010, Canada is probably the "easiest" country to get into because you do not need to go the investment routes. Other routes such as Canadian work permit, and skilled migration are considered to be the easiest compared with USA, UK, Australia, NZ, Europe. To enter Canada as an immigrant, you don't have to be rich as you do in many other countries, but you will be expected to have at least $10 000 when entering the country.

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14y ago

The answer to your question is quite complex and to truly answer it, you would have to stipulate:

- for which nationalities
- whether marriage was an option
- your definition of permanent residence
- how long or short the residence should be
- your age
- married or unmarried
- any children
- your profession

Residence is practically given away in some countries to people that meet certain criteria. For most countries it is the offer of a job. Almost any country will give residence if one is married to one of their citizens.

Expand your question and I am sure you will get a detailed answer.

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i think Sweden or Norway

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Yes, it is possible to hold both a Kenyan passport and a British passport. This is known as dual citizenship. Kenya allows its citizens to hold dual citizenship, provided that they comply with the requirements outlined by both countries.

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Philippine Citizenship can be acquired by becoming naturalized in the Philippines. For naturalization requirements, see related links.

What if you were born in Canada but want to get a citizenship for the us without giving up your citizenship for Canada having duel citizenships for both countries is this possible?

Fulfilling the requirements for U.S. citizenship does NOT cancel your Canadian citizenship. Canadian citizenship is permanent, and (unless obtained by fraud) cannot be revoked by the Canadian Government for ANY reason unless you renounce it yourself. Also, the U.S. does not require Canadians to renounce their citizenship when becoming U.S. Citizens.

what is a dual citizenship?

Dual citizenship, also known as multiple citizenship, refers to a legal status in which an individual is recognized as a citizen of two or more countries simultaneously. This means that the person holds the rights and privileges associated with citizenship in each of these countries. Dual citizenship can be acquired in various ways, including through birth, marriage, descent, or naturalization. For instance, a person may be born in one country to parents who are citizens of another, automatically granting them citizenship in both countries. Alternatively, some countries permit individuals to become naturalized citizens while retaining their original citizenship, effectively allowing for dual citizenship. Dual citizenship can have several advantages, such as access to the rights and benefits of multiple countries, including the ability to live, work, and study in either country, as well as the potential for visa-free travel to a broader range of destinations. It can also provide economic benefits, as individuals with dual citizenship may have access to diverse investment opportunities and tax regimes. However, it's important to note that dual citizenship can also come with certain responsibilities and complications. Each country may have its own set of laws, regulations, and obligations that dual citizens must adhere to, including taxation and military service requirements. Additionally, some countries do not permit dual citizenship, and individuals may be required to renounce one of their citizenships to comply with local laws. In the context of TVG Citizenship, a hypothetical service or entity specializing in citizenship-related matters, they may offer guidance and assistance to individuals interested in exploring dual citizenship options, including navigating the legal requirements and implications of holding citizenship in multiple countries.