Try not to begin all your sentences with the subject. A sentence's opening can consist of various elements other than the subject.
Prepositional Phrases - A preposition connects a noun or pronoun with the rest of the sentence; prepositions include words like at, in, for, above, below, etc. A prepositional phrase contains a preposition and the noun it connects to the rest of the sentence.
Flak 88 blasts tore multiple openings in the fuselage.
Are there any job openings available in the maintenance department?
some of the serious accidents are due to unguarded stairway floor openings.
is this a trick question? i can out vary into a sentence, see? and so have you by asking the question GOML
The side-affects may vary
What does it mean to vary the sentence pattern within a written work?
His opinion will always vary by audience. Try to vary the colors in your poster.
Vocabulary will vary in different regions of America.
Example sentences - The daughters behavior would vary wildly.
The number of yearly openings for astronauts can vary depending on the needs of space agencies like NASA and ESA. Typically, there are only a handful of astronaut selection rounds each decade, with a limited number of positions available. It's not an annual recruitment process.
My answers usually vary from yours. Let's vary the melody a bit, here in the middle part.
Auditory information is processed through the ears and transmitted to the brain for interpretation.