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Problem related to BIRTH

-Metabolic disorders

-problems with body parts

-Genetic problems

-Problems with chromosomes

-heart defects

-cleft lip or cleft palate

problems associated with DEATH



-heart failure/disease

-old age


-serious tumors

problems associated with MIGRATION

-language barriers

-problem in the place of origin

-clashes of culture

-lack of jobs

-difficulty in understanding technology for immigrants

-ethical differences

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Q: What are the problems associated with birth and death and migration?
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What are the problems brought about by birth death and migration?

decrease in population, lower pension, lower capacity cost

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Factors that are considered when determining a country's rate of natural increase include the birth rate, death rate, and net migration rate. The difference between the birth rate and death rate is a key indicator of natural increase, with higher birth rates and lower death rates leading to a higher natural increase. Net migration can also play a role in influencing the overall rate of natural increase in a country.

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Population is affected by birth rate, death rate and migration.

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Terms associated with population geography include population density, demographic transition, birth rate, death rate, migration, urbanization, and population distribution. These terms are used to study patterns of population growth, movement, and distribution across different regions and countries.

Associated with traffic-related crashes is one of your largest societal problems?

Injury and death

What will happen to population size if the birth rate is higher than death rate?

The population size also depends on migration, for which there is no information provided.

What will happen to population size if the birth rate is higher than the death rate?

The population size also depends on migration, for which there is no information provided.

If birth rate is constant and death rate decline population?

the population will increase. However, that assumes that net migration is also constant - or does not change sufficiently.