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Discuss the impact of conflict in an organisation. Do you think that conflict reduces the efficiency and productivity in the organisation?

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Q: What are the impact of conflict on the role of leader organization structure?
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Flattening an organization's structure means removing layers of management from the reporting hierarchy. If there were 10 levels of managers between the CEO and the fellow doing the work, and some layers are removed so that there are only 5 levels of managers between the CEO and the fellow doing the work, then the organizational structure has been flattened. If the reporting structure has gone from: Worker --> Team leader --> Group Leader --> Division Head --> VP division --> Senior VP --> CEO to: Worker --> Group Leader --> CEO then the organizational structure has been flattened.

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A desire to lead is important for a leader because it drives motivation, commitment, and a sense of responsibility towards guiding and inspiring others. Without this desire, a leader might lack the passion and dedication needed to effectively lead and make a positive impact on their team or organization.

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MLK was the leader of the American Civil Rights Movement.

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