Wikianswers is a frequently visited site. Cite a quotation from one of Shakespeare's plays. The garbage dump was an extremely offensive sight.
Wikianswers is a frequently visited site. Cite a quotation from one of Shakespeare's plays. The garbage dump was an extremely offensive sight.
Two words that sound the same as "sight" are "cite" and "site."
Sight cite : to quote as an example A sentence using this word: To show that there is poetry in the bible, I'll cite the book of Psalms. sight : something that is seen. The sun was a welcomed sight after days of rain.
On our way into the boat, show a survey-taker wanted to canvass our opinions regarding the poster displays. The site of the boat show was the convention center in the next town over. What a sight those sloops with canvas sails were! My sources used challenge words to let me know that they did not want me to cite them openly.
sight Nothing is as beautiful as the sight of a new born baby. cite When you write a reseach paper, cite your sources in a bibliography.
No. The word sight is a noun or a verb (to look or aim). It is often confused with the homophone words cite (quote) and site (location).
The homophone of sight is site.
"cite" is to cite a source (telling where you found it). Look up "how to cite sources" in your google bar for more help with that. "sight" is how you actually see things with your own eyes.