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The main reasons are governmental corruption, incompetence, and red tape, accompanied by lawlessness, lack of property rights, and poor educational systems. The need to obtain many permits before opening a business discourages many people. The need to pay bribes and keep on paying them discourages many people. The inability of the government to provide security and the corruption in the legal system making it impossible to prosecute thieves discourages many people. The danger of having the government seize your property at any moment discourages many people. The failure of the educational system to train enough literate workers keeps many foreign businesses from even wanting to set up shop in those countries.

High population, closing of industries, poor currency, ignorance,

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12y ago

The main reasons are governmental corruption, incompetence, and red tape, accompanied by lawlessness, lack of property rights, and poor educational systems. The need to obtain many permits before opening a business discourages many people. The need to pay bribes and keep on paying them discourages many people. The inability of the government to provide security and the corruption in the legal system making it impossible to prosecute thieves discourages many people. The danger of having the government seize your property at any moment discourages many people. The failure of the educational system to train enough literate workers keeps many foreign businesses from even wanting to set up shop in those countries.

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9y ago

There are a number of reasons for high unemployment in developing countries. The 5 major ones include: under performing economies, an uneducated population, slow in using technology, high levels of corruption and lack of communication.

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12y ago

because they are black

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Q: What are reasons for high unemployment rates in developing countries?
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Not everyone can write. Different countries have different literacy rates. Most countries in the western world have literacy rates of around 99%, whereas developing countries have much lower literacy rates.

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Birth control, education. (And Condoms)

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What do you notice about the population growth rate of the developing countries?

The population growth rate of developing countries tends to be higher than that of developed countries. Factors such as high fertility rates, improved healthcare leading to lower mortality rates, and limited access to family planning services contribute to this faster growth in developing nations. This can put pressure on resources and infrastructure in these countries.

What are some reasons for high birth rates in developing countries?

Poor education, Women have no careers, no contraception, farmers need many children to work land, high infant mortality rates so more babies born. Many Developing countries are Hindu or Arab so large families encouraged. In Tribal African communities large families give status.

Developing countries account for how much of the world population increase today?

Developing countries account for the majority of the world population increase today. This is due to factors such as higher birth rates, improved healthcare leading to lower mortality rates, and advancements in technology and infrastructure.

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