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Q: What are population 1 stars?
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The heavier elements in the milky way are contained in population 1 stars or 2?

Population 1 stars are metal rich stars. See related question.

How are population 1 stars and population 2 stars different?

Population 1 stars are typically young and metal-poor, found in the halo of a galaxy and formed from pristine gas. Population 2 stars are older and metal-rich, located in the disk of a galaxy and formed from gas enriched by supernova explosions of earlier stars.

What contain most of the heavier elements in the Milky Way population stars 1 or 2?

Population I stars

Which are the oldest stars in the Milky Way population 1 or 2 stars?

Population II stars are the oldest in the Milky Way. These stars formed from the remnants of earlier generations of stars, and they have lower metallicity compared to younger Population I stars.

What are the two population stars in the milky way?

Population I stars are young and luminous like the Sun. Population II stars consist of globular clusters that are generally much older.

How are population II stars different than the Sun a population I star?

Population II stars are lower in "metals" than population I stars. By metals, astronomers mean anything other than hydrogen and helium.

How do Population One and Population Two stars compare to each other?

Population I stars have more metals (heavier elements), and are generally younger, than the Population II stars. It is postulated that there are still older Population III stars, that have even less metals and are even older, but none have been discovered yet.

The group of stars that are bluer and located in the disk of galaxies?

Population I stars

What are the oldest types of stars in the universe?

The oldest stars are classified as population III stars [See related question]

What type of stars are the oldest in the universe?

The oldest stars are classified as population III stars [See related question]

Where can young metal-rich stars be found in the milky way?

The so-called "Population I" stars are found in the galactic suburbs, which is where we live. Population II stars are concentrated toward the galactic bulge.

The brightest stars in aging globular clusters will be?

The hottest stars. Generally, globular clusters contain mainly old stars, population II stars