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They are powers handed down to lesser authorities to deal with.

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Q: What are deligated powers?
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Deligated legislation violates the supremacy of parliamentdiscuss?

Deligated legislation violates the suppremacy parliament in a way that it takes the legislation authority to also enact a law besides the law enacted by the parliament.

What are other names for implied powers?

implied powers - which are powers derived from enumarated powers and the necessary and propper clause, in which they are not stated specifically but are implied through the exercise of deligated powers. The other names for the implied powers are, necessary and proper, and elastic.

Who is the eo officer in the unit?

While education and recording responsibilities may be deligated to a subordinate, the official Equal Opportunity Officer in a unit is the commander.

Who is responsible for erors when there is deligated authoritybordinate?

Each individual was responsible for errors when the are the delegated authority. There were many times that a person who was responsible for errors, took it upon themselves to correct them. They were deemed the authority.

What is the difference between enumerated powers and implied powers?

Implied powers are powers that are perceived to be in place. Enumerated powers are powers that are specifically listed. An example of enumerated powers are the powers listed in Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution.

these government activities are examples of(apex)a. delegate powers b.concurrent powers c.reserved powers d.implied powers?

c. reserved powers

What powers are set aside for the people or states?

Reserved powers are the powers set aside for the states or people.

What state powers do the federalists have?

None..state powers have state powers and federal powers have federal powers. The powers not given to the federal government belongs to the state so they each have different powers.

What powers does the fanstatic four powers?

The lady has invisible powers The leader has stretchable powers The big guy has strength powers The famous guy has fire powers

Powers kept by the state governments?

Reserved powers, are the powers kept by the state Government.

What is powers shared by states and federal governments called?

Concurrent Powers

What powers were in World War 2?

The Allied Powers, Axis powers, and the Neutral Powers