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Q: What are High Level Drivers and Low aLevel Drivers?
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Why BIOS is used in booting the computer?

The BIOS contains two things: the low level bootstrap code, and simple I/O drivers for the devices built into the motherboard. Without the low level bootstrap code to initialize the CPU and system hardware there would be no way of loading the high level bootstrap code from disk that will load the OS. The simple I/O drivers will be used by the low level bootstrap code, the high level bootstrap code, and also initially by the OS (until it installs its own I/O drivers).

Is cumulus low-level medium-level or high-level?

It is a low-level cloud type.

Why do seamen consider high and low tides in their journey?

They consider high and low tides in their journey because if it is high tide the water level will be high but if it is low tides the water level is low.

Is Cirrostratus low-level medium level or high level?

A high-level cloud type.

How water can travel through drainage?

water always flows from high level to low level. Also in drainage the principle is high level to low level....

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Why say that 'c' is high level language?

Well, there are only two categories: low- and high-level languages. Machine code and Assembly are low-level, everything else is high-level.

What is Low Level AM Transmitter?

There are two types of AM transmitters, High-level and low-level. Low-level transmitters don't have to go through quite as many amplifiers as high-level AM transmitters, as well as consuming less power than the high-level counterparts, but aren't as efficient.

How to convert low level language into high level language?

lang are convert into low level language by

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It is low