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The FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Administration). See the Related Link below.

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Q: What New Deal program provided unemployment benefits?
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How did the fair deal compare to the new deal?

Truman's Fair Deal was a plan to continue the social benefits found in the New Deal. The New Deal, besides the social benefits of Social Security and unemployment insurance, had programs designed to get people back to work and out of the Depression. More New Deal legislation was passed than Fair Deal legislation.

What impact did the new deal program and legislation have on the lives of industrial workers?

The New Deal programs put a large number of unemployed back to work, and allowed them to join unions, giving them rights.

Can you collect unemployment if your job forced you to take a package deal?

First, it depends on what state you work in and second, what are the terms of "the package deal"? As each state makes its own rules as to qualification for unemployment benefits, you need to contact your state's employment security office for clarification.

Which New Deal program provided monthley pensions for retired people?

Answer social security act

What new deal program provided security for elderly and unemployed?

The Social Security Act of 1935 provided security for the elderly and unemployed. It established a system of providing financial support to retired workers over the age of 65 and created unemployment insurance to provide temporary income for those who lost their jobs.

Did the New Deal have an immediate effect on unemployment?


What describes the fair deal?

There was already a square deal and a new deal. so Harry Truman came up with "fair deal" as a title for his proposed program. It was only a name for Truman's idea of what was needed . In actuality, a fair deal is an agreement that benefits parties in proportion to what they gave up.

Did the New Deal have an immediate affect on unemployment?

the anwer is NO. the unemployment rates of the U.S.A dropped slowly.

Can you continue to receive unemployment from Florida if you move to another state?

The Unemployment Compensation provisions have undergone many changes through the years; and, the procedures for qualifying for eligibility have been revised as well, varying in one manner or another from state to state. The best resource you have is the local unemployment office for the state in which you now reside. If it is different from that where you were laid-off, you are still considered unemployed until you attain employment status; and, if you expect to be considered eligible for benefits, you need to meet their criteria, the first part of which is registration. It is not customarily a mandatory provision for receiving unemployment benefits that you refrain from changing your residence to anywhere other than out-of-country or prison, in which case you would no longer qualify.Interstate Unemployment BenefitsYes, you can continue to collect benefits from the state in which you originally filed your claim. Unemployment benefits are not public assistance, you worked for it, it is your money.Your new state of residency does not pay the benefits, they will come from the state in which you were eligible, but you will still need to follow the requirements for eligibility.Contact the office of the state agency that handles unemployment benefits in the state where you relocate as soon as possible to avoid a delay in receiving your benefits.

New deal program that financed old-age pensions unemployment insurance and other forms of income assistance new deal agency established to provide a public watchdog against deception and fraud in st?

Social security administration

New deal program that provided part-time jobs to people between the ages of 16 and 25?

cool CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)

What are two continuing benefits of the new deal?

Two continuing benefits of the New Deal are the creation of long-lasting social safety nets such as Social Security and unemployment insurance, which continue to provide financial support to Americans in need. Additionally, the New Deal's infrastructure projects, like roads and bridges, have contributed to the country's economic development and facilitated transportation.