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Q: Walloons and Flemings are ethnic groups of which country - Belgium or Bangladesh?
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Which country consists mostly of Flemings and walloons?


Which country's population consists mostly flemings and walloons?


What country does french speaking walloons live in?


In which country do the Walloons live?

The Walloons primarily live in the southern region of Belgium, known as Wallonia. It is one of the three main communities in the country, alongside the Flemish community and the Brussels-Capital region.

In 1898 what did the Belgian government do to resolve the conflict between the flemings and the walloons?

The country decided to have two official languages

What country does the Flemings and wallon live in?


What country did the Flemings and wallons live in?


What country do walloons call home?

Walloon people primarily reside in Belgium, where they form a significant cultural and linguistic community. The Walloons predominantly inhabit the southern region of Wallonia in Belgium, where French is the primary language spoken.

Who are Flemish and Walloons?

The flemish are the people who speak flemish. The live in the north of Belgium. Flemish is a dialect from Dutch. Most of it is the same but pronounced a bit different. The walloons live in the south of Belgium and they speak french.

What are Belgium's two language regions?

Flanders and Walloons are Belgium's two language regions.

In 1898 what did the Belgian government do to resolve the conflict between the Fleming's and the walloons?

In 1898, the Belgian government established the first language legislation known as the "Language Laws" to address the linguistic conflict between the Flemings and Walloons. These laws granted language rights to both communities, recognizing Dutch and French as official languages in Belgium and ensuring language equality in government institutions, education, and official communications.

Which West European kingdom has Dutch-speaking Flemish people in the north and French-speaking Walloons in the South?

Belgium is the West European kingdom that has Dutch-speaking Flemish people in the north and French-speaking Walloons in the south. The country also has a small German-speaking community in the east.