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His political opinions were incongruous with his choice of profession.

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Q: Use the work incongruous in a sentence?
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Sentence for incongruous?

The song's sunny lyrics were incongruous with the overall melancholic vibe of the music. The word incongruous is used as an adjective.

What is an example sentence using the word incongruous?

My idea that the sky is red is incongruous with the truth.

How do you use incongrous in a sentence?

If you had three out of four walls painted red, as a set they would be incongruous.

How do you use the word incongruent in a sentence?

(if something is incongruous, it means that it is, or appears to be, out of place)"The dilapidated Volkswagen looked incongruous parked between the executives' Mercedes and BMWs.""The tall glass building is an incongruous sight amid the strawberry fields of Oxnard.""A gun in the hands of a child is incongruous with a peaceful upbringing.""A joke by John Cleese was an incongruous but appropriate addition to the funeral of Graham Chapman.""Recording an album of modern music seems an incongruousactivity for a rabbi."my spelling word is incongruous ,isn't it long

When was The Incongruous Spy created?

The Incongruous Spy was created in 1964.

What does a pastiche mean?

A work of art that imitates the style of some previous work. A hodgepodge; an incongruous combination of different styles and ingredients.

How do you use about his work in a sentence?

I had to talk to him about his work.

Use she is an Oreo in a sentence?

Jasmin, on seeing Dana listening to Usher while wearing a t-shirt showing 50 Cent (all of which looked oddly incongruous with her Swedish ancestry), turned to her friend LaTisha and said "She is an Oreo."

How do use work ethic in a sentence?

Describe what is your " work ethic"

How can you use inpress in a sentence?

I was inpress by your work.

How do you use edit in a sentence?

edit your work