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my mum cooked dinner in the kitchen meanwhile i was watching TV in the living room.


i played with my new camera meanwhile my best friend played on my xbox

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Q: Use meanwhile in a sentence
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Use the word meanwhile in a sentence?

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How do you use the word meanwhile in a sentence?

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How do you put meanwhile in a sentence?

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What sentence can you do for meanwhile?

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Can you give me a sentence using the word meanwhile?

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Can you start a sentence with meanwhile?

Yes you can, here is an example: I was playing basket ball. Meanwhile, My friend was at a party without me. :)

How would you use the word meanwhile in a sentence?

Meanwhile means that someone is doing something at the same time that someone else is doing a different thing. 'The boy chewed happily on his ice cream stick, but in the meanwhile, his sister ate her strawberry ravenously.' Or something like that. Just make sure that 'meanwhile' is not 'while', even though they are basically longer versions of the same thing. The word 'while' can fit where 'meanwhile' cannot. Another note. 'Meantime' would probably work better in the sentence I put above. 'In the meantime,' ect. ect. ect. Hope this helps!