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Years. But if you let that tourist visa expire and you are still in the country, you will never get the green card. Keep your visa current!

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Q: Tourist visa but you stay now you married a zitisen how long will it take you to get a green card?
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== == yes they chould

If i get married in US and i get green card 2years and when it's expired how can i appy to get green years 10years if my spouse break up with me?

If your green card has expired and you are not married then you will have to apply for another one. You will have to go to the DMV and start the paper work.

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You will not automatically get a green card if you get married in the US. After you fill out an application and get approved, you can then work. It could take years to get approved for a Visa.

Is married child of green card holder eligible for green card?

Any child of a green card holder is eligible to apply, married or not. But the wait time for married children and children over the age of 18 is about 10 yrs.

Can you enter the US on a tourist visa while your green card is being processed?

That is allowable.

Can a person with a green card visa application pending get married in his native country and can her husband get a green card visa on his basis?

No. Getting married doesn't give a green card. If the marriage is not a marriage for other than getting the green card it is illegal and against federal laws.

Does someone on a tourist visit have to leave even if they get married in the U.S to a U.S citizen?

no. his or her status changes. you have to file for paperworks.the green card should arrive soon and then in 3 years one can apply for citizenship

How does an illegal alien that has been in America for 12 years with 3 kids and is married to a green card holder get their own green card quickly?

an alein cant get a green card they are already green silly!!!

Do you have to stay married to get your citizenship?

Yes. The way it works is, you have to get married and stay married until the proccesse is competed. The proccess is completed when the INS gives you your green card for about ten years and then you apply for a citizenship after you got your green card.

Do you have to be married to renew a green card?

No, you do not have to be married to renew a green card. Renewing a green card is a process that can be done regardless of your marital status. However, if you are married to a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, it may provide certain benefits and immigration options.

Can a bankruptcies green card holder sponsor his wife to get green card?

I got married with my husband in December last year. He is planning to apply bankruptcy in Jan. Does bankruptcy effect my green card application? (by the way he got his green card in 2010)