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local government unit

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Q: Theoretical framework on the role of local government in nation building?
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1.What best describes what the Constitution is for our nation?

The framework and laws for government.

What is the highest authority of the nation and is responsible for giving us a framework for the government?

Constitution and the Parliament

Which document preceded the Constitution as the framework for the nation's new government?

which document preceded the constitution as the frameworkfor the nations new government

Is importance of the US Constitution?

A constitution is important because it is the fundamental underlying framework of government for a nation or a state.

Why did they make constitution?

A constitution is a framework for government and the new nation, to survive, needed a better framework since the "confederation" didn't work. This meant they had to create a document that was able to create the government needed. So, the constitution was written from May to Sept. 1787 to form the government.

What has the author Vandra Harris written?

Vandra Harris has written: 'Security, development, and nation-building in Timor-Leste' -- subject(s): Politics and government, Nation-building

What are the Benefit of theories of nation building?

Theories of nation building provide a framework for understanding the process of creating a cohesive national identity among diverse groups within a country. These theories help identify factors that contribute to nation-building success, such as shared values, inclusive institutions, and effective governance. By studying these theories, policymakers can implement strategies to promote unity, stability, and development within a nation.

Why is it that the government recognizes the role of the youth in nation building?

youth have new ideas and energy

Why is it that the government recognizes the important of the youth in nation building?

youth have new ideas and energy

State four reasons for building a nation?

Four reasons for building a nation might include creation of a national identity, cohesion of a society, cohesion of government, and the creation of economic stability.

How does monetization affect nation building?

Monetiztion is a new Federal government policy which says its reduces Federal government expenditure

Why is John Locke important to America government?

A constitution is important because it is the fundamental underlying framework of government for a nation or a state.