Post code is OL1 3BE
Manchester, United Kingdom (MAN)Manchester - Manchester Municipal Airport, NH, USA (MHT)M90 1QX is the post code for Manchester Airport
Sir Matt Busby Way, Old Trafford, Manchester, M16 0RA.
The general postal code for Manchester is the letter 'M'. Depending on which part of the city you are looking for, the numbers that follow the 'M' will vary. Typically, the post code will look like Mxx xAA (the AA are variable letters)
Post Box - 7151 Street Postal code - 7140
from your house up warwick estate,to Manchester royal,its 42.84 miles
It depends on which part of Manchester you mean. Postcodes in the UK only cover around 10 properties - so you would need to be more specific.
The exact post code will depend on the street number but some of Oakland Road Hanwell is in W7 1HS
According to Google Maps, the zip code for 359 East 68th Street is 10021.
The general postal code for Manchester is the letter 'M'. Depending on which part of the city you are looking for, the numbers that follow the 'M' will vary. Typically, the post code will look like Mxx xAA (the AA are variable letters)