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My older brother is evil.

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Q: Make a sentence with the word evil?
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How can you make a sentence with the word chopped?

the evil man chopped the guilty mans hand off.

Tell me a sentence using the word enticement?

evil people enticement evil.

What is a sentence with the word evil?

The devil gave an evil chuckle.There was something evil in his eyes.It was an act of pure evil.

How do you write a sentence with the word manipulative?

That evil little manipulative boy tried to make off with my Delicious sweet rolls

How can you use the word evil in a sentence?

If you spell "evil" backwards, you get "live". Have you ever noticed that the word "evil" is 80% of the word "Devil"? "The Evil Roy Slade" is a hilarious spoof of the western movie genre.

When do you capitalize the word corporation?

When its at the begining of a sentence, when its a name, or if the word EVIL is before it.

Can you get a sentence with the word implore?

I am imploring you not to use the word implore in a sentence. I implore you not to seek the evil totem from the Isle of the Dead.

How do you use word 'evil' in a sentence?

The turkey was pure, unadulterated evil. Adolf Hitler was evil. Departing fom evil was my best move ever.

What is a sentence for the word mission?

I'm going on a mission to defeat evil.

How do you use the word prosper in a sentence?

Your evil cannot prosper against me.

Give you a sentence with the word sock?

My ex-wife was soooo evil, all she liked to do was sock puppets!

A sentence with the word dastardly?

the villain was dastardly in his evil deeds to capture the world