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Q: Labor incentive schemes
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What is labor incentive schemes?

A labour incentive is somekind of reward that encourages you to work harder.

What are the aims of labor incentives schemes?

The main objective of any labour incentive scheme is to increase profitability. Therefore, incentive schemes are usually aimed to increase the levels of employee satisfaction, corporate belonging and loyalty which are all expected to result in higher productivity with higher level of efficiency.

What are the aims of labor incentives?

The main objective of any labour incentive scheme is to increase profitability. Therefore, incentive schemes are usually aimed to increase the levels of employee satisfaction, corporate belonging and loyalty which are all expected to result in higher productivity with higher level of efficiency.

What is the aim of labor incentives schemes?

What is the aim of labour incentives schemes?

What are the basic principles of incentive scheme for the labor?

what are the basic principales of incentives

Differentiate between profit sharing and co-ownership schemes of incentives to labor?

Profit sharing and co ownership of labour

What are the voluntary welfare facilities in labor welfare?

the voluntary welfare measures means employers willing share their profit for labour welfare schemes.

How did a plentiful supply of labor worked against the factory worker?

If a worker complained, the factory could hire another worker. The owner had no incentive to improve working conditions.

In Acts I and II of The Tempest Prospero interacts with Ariel and Caliban differently. what best describes his interactions with the two?

Prospero guilts Ariel, while he treatens Caliban with physical pain.

How did cheap labor affect the industrial revolution?

Cheap labor played a significant role in the Industrial Revolution. The availability of cheap labor allowed factory owners to increase production at lower costs, leading to the mass production of goods and the expansion of industries. However, it also resulted in poor working conditions, exploitation of workers, and the growth of inequality between the laborers and the capitalist class.

A sentence using the word incentive?

The doctor wanted to induce the woman's labor and delivery.Soothing music can induce calming feelings.Induce is not the same as convince.

In areas where crops were most abundant slave labor was cheaper and thus because slaves were easily replaced they were often treated very poorly?

Slaves were often treated poorly in areas where crops were abundant because their owners viewed them as easily replaceable and had little incentive to treat them well. This exploitation of cheap labor led to harsh living and working conditions for slaves.