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Q: Is there an unemployment compensation extension in California?
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How do you you apply for unemployment extension in California?

Contact your local unemployment office regarding EUC (Emergency unemployment compensation.)

Is there an unemployment extension in the state of Illinois?

This has just been passed. Look here in the Related Link below (for 7/1/09)

Can you get an extension on your unemployment compensation if you have not been able to find a job in Pennsylvania?

Yes, you can. See the Related Link below.

Is there an unemployment extension in NJ?

unemployment is about run out. how do I apply for an extension.

Will California get a 4th extension for unemployment?

Yes, visit the Related Link below

Will you get the second unemployment extension?

Yes, if you and the state qualify. This answer sucks!!!!Response:If the state qualifies (by having an unemployment rate greater than the national average, or as the federal requirements dictate), then unemployment compensation would normally extend because of extended hardships. If the state did not qualify (i.e. by having a low unemployment rate and therefore not needing an extension), then if you had exhausted your own extension rights, you would not get an extension. Each state has its own laws and criteria for one's extension, so a definitive answer to the question is not possible as the question is vague as to the circumstances.

If you are currently receiving unemployment benefits in the state of California and decide to apply for Social Security benefits will your California unemployment benefits be reduced?

No. They are independent and separate programs.

Do you have to file for a extension in California for unemployment?

You can file an unemployment insurance claim via the California State government website. Information centers will be able to provide other resources such as whether you are eligible for unemployment insurance. They also have a toll free number that you can call for help

Is there unemployment extension in Kansas?

The state of Kansas has unemployment extension in place after three months of the state reaching unemployment of 6.5 percent. If an extension is granted it is good for 13 months.

How do you use unemployment compensation in a sentence?

Example sentence - He did not qualify for unemployment compensation because he has never been employed.

Is unemployment compensation taxable in the state of Ohio?

Ohio is one of the states in which unemployment compensation is fully taxed. In Ohio, unemployment compensation is treated the same as a type of income, therefore income taxes are paid.

Does unemployment have to be filed?

Unemployment compensation is income tax reportable.