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I guess it is if you are in war or your country is tortured by a disease. Then many people will be killed in war/get infected and die. After that even if the Birth Rate is high, the Death Rate would be higher so the population will decrease in size. It is possible. (Sorry for not professional answer.)

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Q: Is it possible for a population with a high birth rate to decrease in size explain?
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Is it possible for a population with a high birth rates to decrease in size explain?

I guess it is if you are in war or your country is tortured by a disease. Then many people will be killed in war/get infected and die. After that even if the Birth Rate is high, the Death Rate would be higher so the population will decrease in size. It is possible. (Sorry for not professional answer.)

Is it possible for a population with a high birth rate to decrease in size explain.?

I guess it is if you are in war or your country is tortured by a disease. Then many people will be killed in war/get infected and die. After that even if the Birth Rate is high, the Death Rate would be higher so the population will decrease in size. It is possible. (Sorry for not professional answer.)

Why is it possible for a population with a high birth rate to decrease in size?

I dont think its possible for the population to decrease because if people keep on having babies the population is just going to grow larger than what it was before.

How would a decrease in natality change the population?

A decrease in the birth rate will cause a decrease in population over time.

Is it possible for a population with high birth rate to decrease size?

If more people were dying than being born, then yes

What two things cause a population to decrease?

A low Birth Rate and environmental hazards are two things that can cause a population to decrease.

What two things can cause a population to decrease?

A low birth rate and environmental hazards are two things that can cause a population to decrease.

Identify the four processes that determine population growth:?

immigration, birth, emigration, and death, and explain the impact of each on population size. (14.3) Immigration and birth increase the population size as they are bringing more individuals into the population. While death and emigration decrease the population because death kills off individuals while emigration is a process in which individuals leave/exit the population.

Identify the four processes that determine population growth:  immigration, birth, emigration, and death, and explain the impact of each on population size. (14.3)?

Immigration and birth increase the population size as they are bringing more individuals into the population. While death and emigration decrease the population because death kills off individuals while emigration is a process in which individuals leave/exit the population.

Reasons for rapid increase in population?

Immigration, decrease in infant mortality, increase in birth rate, decrease in mortality.

How do birth and death rates change when a population goes through the demographic?

They decrease

How do birth and death rates changes when a population goes through the demographic transition?

They decrease