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Q: Is high unemployment a problem in Syria?
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What is a problem Obama is facing?

High unemployment. High gas prices. Low value houses.

What is the unemployment rate of Syria?

9.2% (2009) That is the number the government would like you to believe. The actual unemployment rate in Syria is estimated between 25%-30% (2011)

What was the economic problem the US was suffering from when Kennedy became president?

High Unemployment

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Which was the decade of high inflation and high unemployment

What are the basic problem in the Philippines?

The basic economic problems in the country of Philippines is high unemployment. For those that are employed low wages is another economic problem.

Is Syria a rich or poor country?

Syria is considered a lower-middle-income country with an economy that has been severely impacted by years of conflict and instability. The ongoing war has led to significant economic challenges, including high inflation, unemployment, and destruction of infrastructure.

How does science solve unemployment problems?

Unemployment in itself is not a problem. When the unemployment rate is too high, this could create all sorts of economical problems. Most governments primarily use statistical data to formulate economic policies, projecting

Is unemployment a social problem?

Yes, unemployment is very much an economic problem, because they are not working and expanding their business, and they're not supporting themselves. Unemployment is a weight on society that should be fixed.

Can you give me a sentence that has the word unemployment?

Unemployment is high.

What hardships do Mexican immigrants face?

high unemployment, high poverty and overpopulation was a problem. also, bad ages and high taxes. however, a range of different foods were brought over :)

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