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Q: Is It's all good grammatically correct?
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Is it grammatically correct to say It is good for he and I?

No. Him and me is correct.

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All it needs is a question mark. Have you had lunch? That is grammatically correct.

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Yes, it is grammatically correct to say "this date and time is good for me" when referring to a specific date and time that works for you.

What is the grammatically correct response to how are you?

The grammatically correct response to "How are you?" is typically "I'm good, thank you," or "I'm doing well, thanks."

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good at studies

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Is it grammatically correct to say what all do you expect?

No, it is not grammatically correct to say "what all do you expect." A more correct way to phrase this question would be: "What do you expect?" or "What are your expectations?"

Is everything seems to be in despair between us grammatically correct?

It is grammatically correct, but not good English because things cannot be in despair. Use "desperate."

Is You are having female trouble grammatically correct?

No not at all

Is it correct to say of which we are all?

No, the phrase "of which we are all" is not grammatically correct. It would be better to say "of which we all are" or simply "which we all are."

Is this sentence This is to be handled by you grammatically correct?

Short answer : Yes and not impolite at all, as suggested below. This is to be handled by you grammatically correct? requires inverted commas to be correct. It should be written as: "Is this sentence "This is to be handled by you." grammatically correct?" The sentence is correct but not very polite; it would be simpler to say "You are to handle this"

Not like that- is this grammatically correct?

"Not like that" can be grammatically correct, depending on the context.