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Q: In 1860 what was the slave population of the US?
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What was the slave population in 1860 in Tennessee?

In 1860, the slave population in Tennessee was approximately 275,719.

Did slave population increase from 1820 - 1860?


What was the slave population of Texas in 1860?

about 4 million. You can get nos. for slave population from 1860 census on Web, you'll see it's over 3.9 million.

What was the slave population in 1860?

By the start of the Civil War in 1860s, there was a large slave population in the United States. The total number of slaves were 3,950,528.

Approximately how much did the population of the United States grow between 1850 and 1890?

According to the US Census of 1860, the US population grew 35% from its level in 1850. Part of this increase was due to a rise in the slave population. In 1860, approximately 14% of the US were slaves.

What was Maine's population in 1860?

The US Census of 1860 recorded 628,279 residents.

What demographic problem did South Carolina have in 1860?

The slave state of South Carolina had placed themselves in an unusual situation with regards to the number of slaves there in 1860. More than half of South Carolina's population were slaves. If slavery, in the eyes of the white population, was abolished all at once, the white population would be outnumbered. As an aside, when Senator Calhoun from South Carolina saw the "slave problem" he pushed for the annexation of Texas in order to spread the slave population more evenly in the South. This was made easier when he was appointed to be the US Secretary of State.

Did slave population increase from 1820-1860?

The slave population of the south continued to grow, doubling from 2 million in 1830 to 4 million by 1860. Even though the international slave trade had abolished in the United States by 1808, it didn't stop being a lucrative business. The natural reproduction of slaves, whether consensual or forced, was an economic plus for the slave owner.

State with a higher slave population than white population?

In 1860--the last decennial census before the Civil War--Mississippi and South Carolina had larger slave population than free population. The same was true in 1850. (Note that "free population" is not the same thing as "white population", but that's the data we have).

Which southern state had the highest concentration of slaves according to the 1860 census?

From the initial slave census conducted in 1790 to the one in 1860, the state of Virginia held the highest number of slaves totaling 490,865 in 1860. Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama and South Carolina are all tied for a close second throughout that time period as well. The total slave population throughout the United States in 1860 was 950,546, so Virginia held around half of the entire slave population in the nation with the previously mentioned states racking up the other half.

What US state had the largest slave population?


Bsed on the 1860 US census describe the number of slave owners in the south and the numerical pattern of slaveholding?
