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Yes you would file your 1040 income tax the same as you always have.

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Q: Im on unemployment when i file my taxes can i put my home on there too?
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Do you have to file taxes on 4000 from unemployment?

Answer is YES! If you have taxes withheld from the UIB amount you still have to put the amount on your 1040 and add the withheld taxes to other withheld taxes.

File Your Taxes Where You Live?

You need to file your taxes where you live, not where you get your money from. For example, perhaps you live in Canada, but you make most of your sales to Europe. Do not worry about filing your taxes in Europe. That is the responsibility of the buyers. You need to get Canadian income tax software so that you can put in your paperwork in Canada. This is all that you need to do.

Can a lien be put on my house for back taxes on a mobile home that is in my name my house taxes are current?

Yes, your real property can have a lien put on it. The government will do everything they can to get their tax money.

What can you do if you forget to file an unemployment claim for the week?

If you do not file for unemployment for a week (usually Sun-Sat), then you have to call the unemployment office and request a representative to manually enter that week. In most cases they will be able to enter the information, however if they want to be difficult they can deny you or put your claim on hold to go through the adjudication process. If it is your first time, they will more than likely grant your request and give you a warning. You do have the entire week to claim, and the best thing for you to do in the future is to file the exact time each week so you do not forget. Schedule the time/day in your phone or calendar so this does not happen again.

Will my federal tax refund from 2011 be applied to what I owe for 2010?

When you file your taxes for 2011 you will be given the option to put all or part of your refund towards your NEXT years taxes. But since you owe taxes from the previous year you will most likely not receive a tax refund as it will automatically be applied to what is already owed to the IRS. It is best to set aside money each month if you are self employed, or if unemployed as you stated, if you file for unemployment payments, have your taxes deducted from your paymnts prior to your receiving them. If your refund exceeds the amount your currently owe from last years taxes you will receive a letter stating how much has been with-held and what, if any, your remaining balance is either owed to you from your refund or still owed to the IRS.

How can you get your itunes from your work computer to your home computer?

Take the file, put it on a USB device, then put in on your home computer. Improving this answer: Just emai it to yourself. ZIP it up if necessary.

What do the religions say about unemployment?

Unemployment is not what is put weight on. As long as you help others with what you have to give of time, unemployment is something no god will look down on you for.

What do you do if your unemployment check was lost in the mail?

In New Jersey you must call or go to the unemployment office and file a claim. They wait a few weeks after you file and then put a trace on the check. I received my replacement check in about one teleserve listen for promps. when asked enter your social security number then your pin listen again and it will tell you if check has been proccesed.

How do you put a lien on your daughter's home?

You go to the courthouse and file the lien. You will have to provide specific documentation to justify it.

Put file in the same directory as my HTML file?

Yes you need to put the file in the same directory. This will get the file to be executed from the HTML file.

I need to file my taxes on-line.?

You can go to and use your checking or saving account to have any refunds put directly into your account. This is free and you usually get refunds quicker.

Can a credit card collector put a lien on your home?

yes....after they obtain a judgment in court...they can put a lien on your home, file an abstract against your social security number and attach wages and bank accounts...