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First, it depends on what the reason was for being fired. Secondly, if retired, you would not be actively seeking full employment, a requirement for eligibility to get benefits.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

No. The definition of 'retirement' is contradictory to the requirements for unemployment eligibility (ready, willing, able, and actively seeking full time employment)

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Q: If you got laid off and you retire can you get unemployment in California?
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Can you collect unemployment if you live in Iowa but got laid off in California?

Yes, if you qualify under the laws of California. It falls under the interstate unemployment benefits agreement that the states are signed up with.

You are 58 and got laid off Can you return home to England and collect unemployment?

You certainly can

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You live in Indiana but got laid off in Illinois where do you collect unemployment?

You will file in Illinois. Here is the Related Link below.

Can you collect unemployment if you live in Indiana and got laid off in Michigan?

Because Michigan is the "liable state" you'd have to qualify for their benefits.

My boss said i was laid off but when you got your paper the owner said i had quit?

1.) Go to the boss and get it corrected. 2.) If he says he will NOT correct it, contact your State Unemployment Office (if you live in the USA) IMMEDIATELY and explain your situation. File for your unemployment benefits. If the boss resists, the government will step in and check out the dispute. People who "quit" cannot get unemployment benefits ($$$$$), people who are "laid off" CAN get unemployment benefits ($$$$$).

If a was laid off from job A and took job B for three days but the work conditions and the pay were not comparable to job A can I quit and still collect unemployment?

Probably not since you've been laid off and you got another job. That tells the government that you're eligible for another job even if you got laid off.

Can you receive unemployments benefits for relocating to help with family in another state?

YOu don't get unemployment benefits if you quit your job. Only if you got fired from the job, or laid off

Can a person collecting Social Security benefit apply for unemployment at the same time?

Yes, as long as you qualified for both of them individually. Mind you though, 4 states will offset your unemployment benefits by a portion of your Social Security benefits (Illinois, Louisiana, Utah, and Virginia).

Why did jeeves retire?

he didn't retire he got maried

How did unemployment during the great depression effect everyday life?

people got laid off of their jobs, people were starving, millions of banks closed so workers didn't have jobs, and so on

I just got laid off by GM. What do I have to do to receive unemployment benefits?

Sorry to hear man. What you will need to do is go down to your local unemployment office and apply. As long as losing your job wasn't your fault, you just have to be able to prove you are looking for a new job and are available to work. If so, you should receive unemployment benefits in about two weeks.