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Well depending on the violation, you could lose your license, and your insurance rate is definitely going to increase.

Well depending on the violation, you could lose your license, and your insurance rate is definitely going to increase.

Well depending on the violation, you could lose your license, and your insurance rate is definitely going to increase.

Well depending on the violation, you could lose your license, and your insurance rate is definitely going to increase.

Well depending on the violation, you could lose your license, and your insurance rate is definitely going to increase.

Well depending on the violation, you could lose your license, and your insurance rate is definitely going to increase.

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โˆ™ 16y ago
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โˆ™ 16y ago

Well depending on the violation, you could lose your license, and your insurance rate is definitely going to increase.

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Q: If you get three speeding violations what would happened to you?
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What would make your auto insurance go up?

If you get into an accident or get a speeding ticket your insurance will go up. I'm not sure about other traffic violations but speeding will.

How many moving violations get your license suspended in California?

Depends upon what the moving violations received were for. Rough guess would say ... three ... like in baseball - three strikes, you're out.

Would a speeding ticket in Maryland by driver with a New Jersey drivers license result in points on the NJ drivers license?

You do get two point for moving violations done out side NJ, with NJ license. Check out the MVC site.

Why would one have to attend a driving school?

A person would have to attend a driving school with they have a speeding ticket on any driving violations that hasn't been paid for in full. A person also would have to go when not having to have one on their record.

Would speeding ticket transfer from West Virginia to Maryland?

No, from my past experience I have never had the points transfer to my Maryland driving record for moving violations in WV. I am of course speaking your basic speeding , failure to yield, etc type violations. These are all considered minor infractions and the state of Maryland has neither the money , time nor manpower to act as big brother to West Virginia.

What are some minor traffic violations?

There are SOME that rise to the level of a criminal offense, but the majority are simply statutory violations.

How would one report violations to the health dept?

There are three ways to report violations to the health department. These include call or visit the local health department and filling out a health code violation complaint online.

How do you answer the question do you have any DUI's or operating violations?

That would depend on whether or not you have DUIs, operating violations, or both: No, I have neither. I have a DUI but no operating violations I have operating violations, but no DUIs Yes, I have both.

Would a speeding ticket be of local or state government?

It could be either municipal, county, or state jurisdiction depending on the officer writing it and/or the location where the violation happened.

Can an officer clock you for speeding if your tires rotate?

Your tires would definitely have to rotate if you are speeding !

What events in American history would be considered violations of modern civil rights?

If the history of the United States begins when the thirteen colonies became states under the US Constitution, then two major sets of activities concerning the USA would today be considered human rights violations. Using "major" as the criteria, and using USA as the place, of these violations, three main violations can be identified. 1. slavery 2. violations of treaties made with Native Americans and human rights violations made against Natives where no treaties were involved, and 3. Denying women the right to vote. In some counties women still are denied the right to vote.

How much would a speeding ticket cost in Redwood City California for someone going 50 mph in a 35 mph zone?

California state law says that the maximum fine for speeding is $500 for the first offense, and $750 for subsequent offenses. The fine for a speeding ticket can only go above that if it has multiple citations. For example, if you are charged with speeding and reckless driving, you will have to pay up to the maximum for both. Speeding: up to 750 Reckless Driving: up to 1000 + 5 to 90 days in jail Grand total: up to $1750 + 5 to 90 days