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In that situation, technically you'd get disability rather than unemployment. The two are often handled through the same agency, though.

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No, you must be physically able to work and available. you would have to file for Workers Compensation.

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Q: If you cannot work due to a injury can you file for unemployment?
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If my boss cut my hours and hired someone to take them can I file for unemployment for the hours taken away from me.?

No, you cannot collect unemployment since you are still employed, even if you have lost work hours.

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Have you worked? If not, no. You have to work before you file for it.

Can you file unemployment and workers comp?

NO, never. YOu qualify for UI benefits by being unemployed and able to work today. You qualify for WC by being employed and unable to work today becasue of workplace injury.

If you were injured and are out of work can you draw unemployment or Supplemental Security Income benefits?

Depending on your injury (at work or.., and the severity of it), you might be eligible for your state's workman's comp or the SSI (which is for the aged, blind, or DISABLED). See the Related Link below below for SSI information, and your state's unemployment office for particulars if you were injured on the job. If your injury isn't serious, file a claim with the state office.

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YOu cannot receive unemployment if you return to work.

Where do you file for unemployment if you live in Wisconsin and work in Minnesota?

New York

If you live in Indiana but work in Illinois where do you claim unemployment?

You file for unemployment in the "liable state". In this case, you work in Iowa, the "liable state", but because of the interstate unemployment compensation laws, you can file in a state other than the "liable" one and they will work with the other state to help you.

Can you get unemployment working 34hrs a week?

You cannot get unemployment if you are working. You must be actively seeking work.

Where to file a lawsuit for injury?

There are many attorneys that can help you file for wrongful injury. Most will work off a percentage basis. They make their entire living on this.

If you have an injury that was made worse by working and you cannot work due to doctors orders can you get unemployment?

Probably not. Unemployment normally requires that you are able, available and acttively seeking work. If you are disabled there are other programs. It depends on your state requirements. Alot of states have similar requirements, so you would really have to contact your local unemployment office. To get more info, you can also check

Is it illegal to collect unemployment while in jail in Wisconsin?

One qualifies for unemployment ONLY while available to work AND actively seeking work. Folks in jail cannot work, so they are disqualified from unemployment benefits.