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Depends on time on the job, you will have to check your State's requirements for req'd duration.

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Q: If you are terminated for poor attendance can you collect unemployment benefits?
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If you have been threatened to be fired can you collect unemployment in the state of Illinois?

If you have only been threatened with terminated, you cannot collect unemployment. If you have been fired, you can apply for unemployment benefits and they will determine if you are eligible for benefits.

In nc is there a penalty period for unemployment benefits if you were fired from your job?

In North Carolina, you can generally only collect unemployment benefits if you are terminated through no fault of your own. If you are fired, most of the time you cannot collect unemployment benefits.

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Yes, an employ of a catholic school can collect unemployment if they are laid off or wrongfully terminated. This school would have been required to pay into the unemployment system.

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You were terminated for attendance can you draw unemployment in North Carolina?

You should check with your local unemployment office; but in almost all cases, if you are terminated for wrong doing or quit your job, you cannot collect unemployment. Otherwise, people would just get a job and do something to get fired or quit, just to get the money from unemployment. You may want to check to see if your state is a fire at will state. That reduces your chance of collection unemployment dramatically.

Can you collect ssi if you have received unemployment?

You can, but unemployment will deduct the amount from your unemployment benefits

Do employers pay fired employee's benefits?

No. An individual is not eligible to collect unemployment if they were fired from their position (unless they can show some reason that would show they were unlawfully terminated, but that is a case of its own).

Can you collect unemployment in New Jersey after long term disability is terminated?

No, because there is no tax deductions in your disability which entitles you to receive unemployment.

If you are collecting unemployment in Oklahoma and it is almost gone but if you are moving to Missouri can you collect unemployment there?

You can only collect unemployment benefits from the "liable state", where the employer paid unemployment taxes, so Missouri would not pay you benefits, as you described it.

If you were terminated from work are you eligible for the extension of unemployment benefits?

Madison, WI I work part time and collecting partial unemployement. Will I be able to apply for the 13 weeks of extention if I was terminated from work.?? I am only making 300 per month from employement and my unemployment money is almost exhausted How do I apply for extention and when do I apply

Can you collect unemployment benefits in Michigan if you are retired?

Absolutely. It is called your "Retirement Pension". You cannot collect "unemployment insurance" monies if you are retired.

Can you collect unemployment if you were fired for attendance in Florida?

Your former employer is responsible for paying a portion of your unemployment. It's really not fair to them to make them keep paying you even though they fired you for being a lousy employee. So, probably not; you might want to contact the unemployment office anyway just to make sure. In general, if you were terminated "for cause" (meaning: you got fired because of something you did, like not show up for work), you're much less likely to be able to collect unemployment than if you were "laid off".