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Depends on the original deed and wording. If the property was held 'with rights of survivorship' for a husband and wife, if the husband died the wife should be be able to sell it with a valid death certificate of the husband. If it was owned only by the deceased or as one of several owners, a Letter of Authority from the probate court is necessary to sell property.

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Q: If a deceased person's name is on a deed does a death certificate need to be porvided in order to sell the real estate property?
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Wake them up and ask them!

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You can't. The funds are the property of the surviving joint owner.You can't. The funds are the property of the surviving joint owner.You can't. The funds are the property of the surviving joint owner.You can't. The funds are the property of the surviving joint owner.

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Do you have to be alive to take a DNA test?

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Why aren't deceased persons allowed to marry?

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