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not in any state or thru any insurance company I know of.

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Q: If a car is registered and insured in a new residence state can the car still be insured and registered in the old state just in case you move back?
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Can you rent in one town and legally vote where you registered for example a young adult rents in one city but can then still vote where they registered in hometown and state at parents' residence?

in Ct you can [ as a student ]

Does a car still have to be registered and insured if it has not been running for over a year?

if u drive on the road yes.

If you had a car that was registered in another state but moved and left the car does the car have to be registered in the state you are living in now or can it still be registered in the other state?

The car needs to be registered in the state the owner resides in.

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Is it legal to drive a Lamborghini in South Carolina?

Yes, provided the car is properly registered and insured, you have a valid drivers license, and you have permission to drive the car. You are, however, still bound by state laws regarding how it is to be driven, including the speed limit.

Does the the vehicle have to be in your name?

no, in most states you are supposed to be insured on any vehicle at the residence you live at. parents, roomates even. if you drive your grandmothers or significant other's car all the time or even as the primary driver but don't live with that person, you should still be insured.

If you have a Florida license and move to NJ can you get a NJ license?

I'm pretty sure if you still have your registered residence in Florida you do not but if you moved to N.J. to live in N.J. as your only residence I am almost positive you do.

Is a voter who is not registered still entitled to vote in a final election?

It depends on the state

Is the El Carmelo Residence still open?

Yes, El Carmelo Residence is still open. Yes, El Carmelo Residence is still open.

If you are uninsured can you still sue the insurance of the insured that was at fault?

No according to the law (which may be different from state to state) The uninsured motorist is always at fault

Can you Have A Registered car but have someone else on the insurance?

Only your insurance company can answer that - mine does... I have insured vehicles that were not in my name and insured vehicles in my name for other drivers - Geico... I have also loaned vehicles that were in collisions and they still covered them even though I did not specifically "add a driver".

If you're a student and moving out of state to either Illinois or Iowa from MN do you need to change car insurance if the title is still in your parents' name and is under their policy?

From what i understand, the vehicle can stay registered and insured in the home state to remain the same as the title holder or lienholder, you are basically using a borrowed vehicle, that makes you not responsible for the registration and insurance