Feudalism was of vital importance in dailey life in Medieval Europe.
The Crusades were religious wars fought in medieval times.
You can use the word "want" to express desires or preferences in a sentence. For example: "I want to go to the store."
A declarative sentence.
There is no acronym for medieval because that is a single word and an acronym is a sequence of (usually pronounceable) letters taken from the initials of the words in a phrase or sentence.
You should use the word "I" when it is the subject of a sentence, and the word "me" when it is the object of a sentence or of a preposition. "I want you to understand me." "I want you to listen to me."
It's disheartening to come across such medieval thinking in this modern age.Medieval art work often centered around religious themes.
The word you want me to spell is the word ''concise''.
i want a sentence with the wor mayflower
Do you really want an answer to that?
The link will give a couple of examples of a word you want in a sentence.
The term, Lord of the Manor, originated in the feudalism during the Medieval era of the Middle Ages.