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I created a sculpture. The sculpture is beautiful.

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Q: How would you use sculpture in a sentence?
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A sentence with the word sculpture?

The sculpture was beautiful marble.

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Another key part of the brief was to make the sculpture tactile.

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The sculptor used cementation to affix the pieces of the sculpture together.

How do you use whittled in a sentence?

"I whittled a peice of wood into a sculpture of an owl." ;)

Is the sculpture was free-form a correct sentence?

The sculpture was free-form. This is a correct sentence if you capitalize first letter.

Which sentence describes a convention of Classical Greek sculpture?

The sentence that describes a convention of Classical Greek sculpture is figures show a combination of ideal beauty and naturalistic detail and proportion. Classical sculpture refers loosely to the forms of sculpture from ancient Greece andÊancient Rome.Ê

What is a good sentence for the word sculpture?

Michelangelo made one of the best sculptures, the sculpture was named David.

What is the direct object and indirect object in this sentence she gave the museum a rare sculpture?

The direct object is sculpture--the answer to "What did she give the museum?"The indirect object is museum--the answer to "To whom did she give the sculpture?"

What are the mediums in sculpture?

you can use vertually any mixed media for sculpture from metal to clay. you can use almost anything for a sculpture, the medium most used i clay.

What are the medium sculpture?

you can use vertually any mixed media for sculpture from metal to clay. you can use almost anything for a sculpture, the medium most used i clay.

How would you use authentically in a sentence?

I would use it correctly in a sentence, of course. Thank you for asking.