Kill the man
There are two political party in the usa and they are the republican party and the democratic party
Ofcource; only, for political correctness the name has changed; and they are now called "Food Stamps"
A good sentence would be: Political and Religious Persecution was a push factor between 1866 and 1915.
It was a political decision to end the War in Iraq.
"Chicago's Boss Daley controlled one of the most formidable political machines the nation had ever seen."
who would use a political map
Yes, you can use a comma instead of a semicolon to connect two closely related independent clauses, but it is important to ensure that the sentence maintains its clarity and grammatical correctness.
The Republicans are a political party. The political party had grown around the concept of environmental awareness.
He felt a great sense of political import was the key to getting license for his import business.
"Double preposition" refers to a situation in which two prepositions are used consecutively in a sentence. This is considered nonstandard English and can make a sentence awkward or unclear. It is better to rephrase the sentence to use only one preposition for clarity and correctness.
The discussion was mainly centered on Bob's political views and how much they differed from Sandy's.