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Ex: He/She tried to, but he/she couldn't (ENTER WORD) it.

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Q: How would you use although in a sentence?
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Can you use the word uncertain in a sentence?

Although it was cloudy, he was uncertain that it would rain.

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Although answering all the questions on would be impossible, answering a few would be feasible.

How can you use although in the middle of a sentence?

They were happy although they were poor.

Do you use a comma after although?

Yes, typically you would use a comma after "although" when it is used at the beginning of a dependent clause to introduce contrast or concession. For example: "Although it was raining, we still went for a walk."

Can you use although in the beginning of a sentence?


How would you use esteem in a sentence?

"although she came second in the competition, not coming first ruined her self esteem"

How would you use risk in a sentence?

Although I think I could probably jump over an alligator, I wouldn't risk it.

How would you use probity in a sentence?

Although they were accusing her of several heinous crimes she answered all of their questions with total probity.

How can you use word although in a sentence?

Although it's raining, we can still go out to play.

Use the word although in a sentence?

Although it is raining, I decided to walk outside anyway.

How can you use the word although in a 5 word sentence?

Although difficult, it's not impossible.

How can you use the word accredit in a sentence?

Although he studied at St. Helens college he was informed that Liverpool University would accredit his degree.