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The photo above shows an aerial view of the saw mill.

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Q: How to use mill in a sentence?
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How do you use the word mill in a sentence?

I got a cute little pepper mill at the Home-Fair. Wheat is ground at a flour mill.

How do you use textile mills in a sentence?

I was weaned in a textile mill. That building will house our town's next textile mill.

What is a sentence you could use for for textile mill?

That textile mill produces thousands of metres of gingham cloth every month.

How do you make sentence with mill in the sentence?

Example sentence - The old mill made a perfect background for our family portrait.

How do you use the word textile in a sentence?

I have been promoted to "Chief Loom Operator" at the textile mill! Our textile mill is now using corn fiber.

How do you fix these words into a sentence a make does flour mill?

"Does a mill make flour?" "A mill does make flour."

Use the word mill in a sentence?

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Can you use nickel plated steel balls for grinding media in a ball mill?

yes you can use nickel on a ball mill yes you can use nickel on a ball mill

What sentence can you make by using the word cotton mills?

Our town was one a cotton mill town. The cotton mill closed 53 years prior. The cotton mill made it possible to have the clothing.

Why drilling with vertical drill machine is more efficient than lathe machine?

For simple drilling, the vertical drill press is faster to use.

How do you use a mill?

A mill is for grinding things. A coffee mill grinds coffee beans so that you can brew coffee from them. A spice mill grinds spices. A grain mill grinds wheat or other grains into flour.

A sentence with the word gristmill in it?

"The terms gristmill or grist mill (also: corn mill or flour mill) can refer either to a building in which grain is ground into flour, or to the grinding mechanism itself."I give recoginition to wikipediaby wikipedia