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Q: How should representation be decided by population or equally by state?
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Which speakers idea about representation was actually included in the document that was written?

"The national Congress should consist of two houses: one in which representation is based on population, and one in which states are equally represented." This answer is based on

What is the reason why they decided to have 2 house in the legislative branch?

It was because there were two opinions on how representation in Congress should be handled; equally and proportionally based on a state's population. That's why in the Senate every state has two representatives, while in the House each state has a number that is dependent on their population.

What solved the debate of whether or not slaves should be counted as representation?

The courts decided to keep the slaves

What were Benjamin Franklin's views on representation equal or based on population?

Benjamin Franklin believed each state should have equal representation.

An area should have seats in the Assembly in proportion to its population?

This is the concept of proportional representation in a representative democracy.

What Agreement that in congress states should be represented equally in the senate and by population in the house?

Connecticut compromise

What did Alexander Hamilton think states should be represented in the new government?

He thought that states should have representation by size and population.

What Southern states felt that representation should be based on the number of?

Northern states felt that representation in Congress should be based on the number of free people. Southern states believed that representation should be based on total population, which included slaves.

What agreement states that in congress states should be represented equally in the senate and by population in the house?

Connecticut Compromise

What were the major issues and solutions reached at the Constitutional Convention?

"Should states be represented equally or in proportion to their population? Both, according to the Connecticut compromise, states have equal representation in the senate, but representation in the house is by population. What should be done about slaver/How should slave be represented in the house of representatives? Congress was silent on this issue, besides saying they could not be imported after 1808/By counting them as 3/5 a person. Should the right to vote be based on universal manhood suffrage, or should it be very restricted? Finesse the issue. Let the states decide qualifications for voting.

What is the difference between descriptive and substantive representation?

Substantive representation is when representatives advocate for certain groups. Descriptive representation is the idea that candidates should be elected to represent ethnic & gender constituencies rather than the population at large.

How did the New Jersey plan of representation say representation should be based?

The states were given equil amounts of representation, regardless of the population. That would mean the representation would be based on the individual states, and not the population.the New Jersey plan had 3 branches (legislatiure, Execultive, judiceal)the legislature is a unicameral(one house)it was proposed by William Pattersonthis plan was liked by the small population but rejected by the large population states