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Every 10 years.

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Q: How often must the congress conduct a census of the US population?
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Related questions

How often does the government of Jamaica take a census?

they conduct a census every 10 years

How often does the British government conduct an official census?

The census is conducted every ten years. The next one will be in 2021.

How often does the constitution mandate a national census?

The U.S. Constitution mandates a national census to be conducted every 10 years. This provides an important count of the population for purposes such as representation in Congress and the allocation of federal funds.

What is a census and how often is it taken in US?

Every 10 Years =]

What Federal Department takes an official census of Americans and how often is it taken?

The United States Census Bureau, a branch of the Department of Commerce, takes an official census of Americans every ten years. Each state's federal representatives in Congress is adjusted according to the population change.

How often does the US officially count its population?

The US officially counts its population every 10 years through the decennial census conducted by the Census Bureau.

What Congress and state legislature are often organized on party lines and conduct much of their business based on?


How often is the number of members representing each state in the House of Representatives recalculated?

Representatives are apportioned to the states on the basis of their population count as a percentage of the total US population at the end of a census year. The US Census conducts this count every ten years, and reapportionment occurs when states gain or lose a statistically significant number of residents (there is no fixed number). Changes become effective at the beginning of the next session of Congress.The most recent census year was 2010; reapportionment of the House became effective in the first Session of the 112th Congress, in January 2011.

What a census?

A census is an official count of members of a population of people (or of other living things). The government form of a census counts the residents or citizens in specified areas, often at regular intervals.The US Census is an official count of the population done at 10-year intervals, with estimations or corrections made in the intervening years. The latest US Census is for the year 2010.The purpose of the census is to gather information about the country and the people in it.

How often is the population measured to establish the number of representatives for each state?

Every 10 years, by the US Census

What is the name of the basis for the number of a state's representatives?

The basis for the number of a state's representatives in the United States Congress is determined by population size. This is often referred to as the principle of "One person, one vote" or the concept of proportional representation. Each state is allocated a certain number of representatives in the House of Representatives based on its population as determined by the decennial census.

How often is state population counted in order to determine state representatives needed?

This comes from the US Census, taken every ten years, and is one of the big reasons for having a census.