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as developing countries with high populations become more industrialized pollution will increase.

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Q: How might the population growth rates of developing countries be affected as they become increasingly industrialized?
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Farmers and artisans from where found it increasingly hard to compete with the highly industrialized countries?

Farmers and artisans from developing countries found it increasingly hard to compete with highly industrialized countries due to factors such as advanced technology, economies of scale, and cheaper production costs. These industrialized countries could mass-produce goods at lower prices, leading to a decline in demand for products from less developed regions. Additionally, lack of access to capital, resources, and market information further disadvantaged farmers and artisans in competing with their highly industrialized counterparts.

Which is not a mission if the United Nations?

to allow industrialized countries to dominate developing nations

Will most of the future population growth will take place in industrialized countries?

No, most future population growth is expected to occur in developing countries, particularly in Africa and Asia. Industrialized countries generally have lower fertility rates and aging populations.

What other term is used for developing country?

Developing countries are also known as third world countries. These countries are less industrialized than developed countries. Many countries in Africa and southern Asia are third world countries.

What is the difference between a developing and a developed country?

A developing country is a country that is still not fully industrialized. Developing countries often have economic difficulties and are still trying to establish a number of industries. Developed countries are fully industrialized and can cope with many disasters on their own.

Features of a developing country?

Developing countries are mostly those which have moderate per capita income, standard of living is low and not much industrialized.

What country's average per capita income is only a fraction of that in more industrialized countries?

developing country

What is the difference between population change in industrialized versus non-industrialized nations?

Population growth in industrialized countries tends to reflect the economy, war and post war factors and immigration. In non-industrialized nations, the population is dependent on factors that are often out of the control of the country such as famine, natural disasters, tribal conflicts, drought and pandemic illnesses.

Where is 90 percent of the earth's population?

developing countries

Countries with little industry are called?

Countries with little industry are often referred to as "developing countries" or "less industrialized countries." These nations typically have economies that rely more heavily on agriculture or natural resource extraction rather than manufacturing or technology-based industries.

Where has the world's population increased?

In still developing/ poor countries

What do you notice about the population growth rate of the developing countries?

The population growth rate of developing countries tends to be higher than that of developed countries. Factors such as high fertility rates, improved healthcare leading to lower mortality rates, and limited access to family planning services contribute to this faster growth in developing nations. This can put pressure on resources and infrastructure in these countries.