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To qualify for benefits in North Carolina, you had to have worked in at least 2 quarters in the base period (which is 4 of the last 5 completed calendar quarters before your filing). There are also monetary requirements as well, listed in the Related Links below.

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Q: How many weeks must you be employed in North Carolina before you can collect unemployment?
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Can you collect unemployment if you are part time in Wisconsin?

Answer:Sometimes with a family, people are forced into part time work and are unable to make ends meet. Most states allow you to collect unemployment if working part time, under certain circumstances. Some may have you collect on a former employer if you are still in the benefit year and you had claimed unemployment before your present job. Much depends on the state you work in and their criteria. Contact your state unemployment office for clarification.

What is length of time to collect unemployment in Illinois?

Looks like right now you can get 26 weeks of unemployment assuming you have enough benefits to collect the full 26 weeks. And if you are eligible you can qualify for an additional 33 weeks of emergency unemployment benefits.

Can you collect unemployment if terminated in Arizona?

Yes, if complying with the interstate unemployment program.

Can you collect disability and be employed at the same time?

Yes but u can only earn like a grand a month before you are considered able to receive gainful employment

Can you collect unemployment if you refuse a job offer?

If you turned down the other job then it's doubtful. To collect unemployment you need to show willing to get back into work, turning down a job puts you in a bad position when it comes to claiming benefits. There's usually a time-out period before you can start claiming again.

If a person collected unemployment 8 years ago and then gets laid off again are they eligible to collect again?

Your collecting unemployment before has no bearing on your ability to do so now. All that matters is if you qualify under the current conditions and with your latest employer(s)

In the state of Hawaii how long do you have to be employed before you can receive unemployment?

You must have been paid wages for insured work in at least 2 of the first 4 of the last 5 completed calendar quarters.

Can you collect unemployment from California if you temporarily move to Illinois?

Yes, you can collect unemployment insurance if you have worked in Hawaii but moved to California. Even if you think you do not have enough in Hawaii's unemployment insurance to collect. I worked in California all my life and was offered a job in Hawaii in October 2008. I worked until March 2009 and then tried to collect while i lived in Hawaii. I was denied befits in Hawaii in March 2009, so I moved back to California and could not find work so i collected unemployment in California. It was a knowledgeable person in California EDD that recommended that i file in Hawaii versus California because of the amount i would collect there was a lot more than i collected here. I told them I was denied benefits over there because i did not work long enough over there (hence; i did not put enough money in Hawaii's Kitty) So California's EDD said they would transfer what I put in California's unemployment insurance to Hawaii's unemployment insurance, then that would make me eligible to collect.

Can I collect unemployment if my plant shuts down for one week?

No, the way I read this is that you still have a job so you aren't unemployed only have a furlough. It will take you 6-8 weeks before you got any money if you could and you'll be back to work. Not all people have vacation time in many jobs and that doesn't give the right to unemployment.

Can a Florida resident draw unemployment if self employed?

In Florida, you have to file a claim to find out about this particular question. Reference: "FAQs"; 'Claims and Benefits'; "Before I Claim; #3. in the Related Link below.

Can you collect unemployment in Illinois while receiving severance pay?

Yes you can. There is a formula that you can look up on the ODJFS website that will tell you the proportion of how your unemployment is adjusted based on the wages you earn. Like myself I did odd jobs for cash, while I did not have to report it, I did. And I was glad. It does not adjust dollar for dollar, in my case I had to make over $800 in a week before I would receive $0 in unemployment. But why I was happy I did, it allowed my unemployment to last longer payment wise. It allowed me to take more time to find the RIGHT job, and not just the first job.

Can you decline a job from the new company buying the bankrupt company and still collect unemployment?

only if your job duties and pay rate is drastically different than before, otherwise you would not be qualified.