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Q: How many people lived together in the neolithic era?
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What did the neolithic people do?

Many people lived in mud brick, as in mud dried in brick form, homes rather than in huts, like the previous people. The Neolithic period was truly a time of change, as it was the roots of the following ages that brought about the birth of civilization

What language did neolithic people speak?

No one knows what language neolithic peoples spoke, but since they lived in many parts of the world it is reasonable to expect that they spoke many different languages.

What language did the Neolithic people speak?

It is difficult to know for certain what language the Neolithic people spoke as they did not leave written records. However, linguistic studies suggest that various languages were spoken during the Neolithic period, depending on the region and cultural group.

Where did Neolithic people live?

Many neolithic farmers have been staying in Ireland in the Neolithic Era. Hope this helps! ~Jamie

When did Neolithic people die?

Neolithic people lived between roughly 12,000 to 3,000 years ago, depending on the region. Their way of life largely revolved around agriculture and the use of tools made from stone, wood, and other natural materials. The transition to the Bronze Age marked the end of the Neolithic period in many parts of the world.

How many people lived together?

Well depending on how many bedrooms their are a lot of people can live together well i dont know but like it said it depends

What sort of shelter houses did the Neolithic people live in?

Neolithic people typically lived in circular or rectangular houses made from natural materials like wood, mud, stone, and thatch. These houses varied in size and construction materials based on the region and available resources. The circular stone structures called "roundhouses" were common in many Neolithic communities.

Why did people chose to live together in Neolithic settlements?

People chose to live together in Neolithic settlements for several reasons. One major reason was for safety and security from external threats. Living together in close proximity allowed for communal defense against predators and rival groups. Additionally, living together facilitated the sharing of resources and knowledge, which was essential for survival and the development of early agricultural practices.

Where were many Neolithic settlements located and why?

I think there were a lot of Neolithic settlements because there should have been quite a few people at the time. (by the way, the Neolithic Age was from 8000 to 3000 BCE)

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