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In The Bible many people have lived ove 120 years. Before the flood, and after the flood. Out of the bible the it was recorded that a woman lived to be 122 years old. And a different one lived to be 128 though this is Disputed. If you were wondering about Genesis 6:3 Then the Lord said, "MY spirit shall not srive with man for ever, because he also is flesh; Netherless his days shall be one 120 days." It never says that a man will not be able to live over 120 years... "the new living translation bible" has this verse diferently. But in the original bible, the Hebrew one it says "MY spirit shall not srive with man for ever, because he also is flesh; Netherless his days shall be one 120 days." 120 years is not a God ordained age limit. But a prediction timeline for the flood. People argue agaist this because in 5:32 is talks about Noahs age being 500, and his age wen the flood came being 600. But Genesis 5 is the acount of Adam to Noah. later in Genesis 6 afterthe 120 years are mentiones Noah and his 3 sons are mentioned. So in no way is it contradicted. And 120 years being the timeline for the flood fitts in much better with the the context. Plus man lived over 120 years after the flood for generation. The reason why men lived the long back then was to populate the world. and then the life span had to go down little by little. Because think about it if we all lived to be 900 years old then we would for sure not have enough room for that any people on this earth. If you have further questions i encourage you to go to the page below.

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The number of people living to 100 years of age is continuously rising. As of 2010, 53,364 people in the United States were over 100 years old.

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