As of 2021, Bend, Oregon has an estimated population of around 100,000 people.
About 355 million people live in south America.
50%of the people in South Africa live below the poverty line in south Africa
Approximately 37 million people live in the South West region of the United States.
964 people lived in south America
50%of the people in south Africa live below the poverty line in south Africa
There are many reasons why people live in South Dakota. The three major physical features could be a part of the reason because many people who live in South Dakota have farms and ranches and enjoy the many opportunities for recreation that are available in South Dakota. Some people live in South Dakota because they were born in the state and have chosen to stay there. Some have inherited land. Many people live in South Dakota because of the low cost of living, the availability of jobs, and the friendly people.
About 620,000,000.
If you meant "how many people live in South Carolina?" the answer is 4.832 million, as of 2014. Hope you found this useful!
Approximately 48,875,000 people live in South Korea. (2010 official estimate.)
About 70% who live in the deep south and 20% of people who live in the Metropolitian South.